The comprehensive provision of green skills is a key priority of 3LoE. Addressing the challenges of energy, climate and environmental protection, 3LoE establishes Centres of Vocational Excellence on green economy and implements a wide range of vocational education, training and higher education measures concerning green economy, digitalization and entrepreneurship.

Main objectives:

  • Developing and securing the long-term continuation of 8 green economy centres in 7 countries with smart promotion of regional development and cooperation with companies and regional stakeholders as well as cooperation between the 8 centres and internationally with 70 associated partners from 13 countries
  • Sustainably upgrade skills, secure the need for young professionals/managers and entrepreneurs, and strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs in the green economy
  • Development, testing and implementation of over 50 initial vocational training, continuing education and dual higher education programs (EQF levels 3 to 6) as well as innovation funding through the eight centres of vocational excellence and promotion of long-term international cooperation
  • Realise energy savings, use renewable energies and environmental and climate protection through qualified and innovative SMEs

Main deliverables:

  • Concepts, models, tools and results of the development of 8 centres as well as regional and international cooperation
  • Implementation of dual vocational training in initial, further and higher education, with an intensive partnership between the places of learning (companies – centres)
  • Development of sustainable partnerships between centres of excellence and SMEs, organised and secured on a permanent basis by chambers
  • Improvement of the skills of SME professionals and managers in green economy activities
  • Promotion of entrepreneurship in the green economy and securing of business transfers and startups by increasing the number and quality of young entrepreneurs’ activities
  • Effectively promoting innovation in the green economy in SMEs and increasing productivity
  • Development and realisation of measures for emphatic energy saving and use of alternative energies as well as climate and environmental protection

Lead organisation

Blankeneser Landstrasse 7
22587 Hamburg, Germany


Germany, Austria, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Spain

Associated partners

70 from 13 countries

Type of partners

22 VET Providers
36 Companies, Industry or Sector Representatives
Public Authorities
18 Higher Education Institutions
Research Centres
6 Non-Governmental Organisations/Associations

CoVE Austria

CoVE Germany

CoVE Italy

CoVE Latvia

CoVE Lithuania

CoVE Poland

CoVE Spain