Personnel and Center Management – ONLINE JAN 22

3LoE – Three-level centres of
professional excellence:

Qualification, entrepreneurship and innovation
in the Green Economy

3LoE – Three-level centres of
professional excellence:

Qualification, entrepreneurship and innovation
in the Green Economy

Train the Trainer “Personnel and Center Management” January 12th-14th 2022 via Zoom

On January 12th to 14th 2022, a Train the Trainer workshop on “Personnel and Center Management” was facilitated by PP13 IAGF – Institut für angewandte Gewerbeforschung der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich for all partners.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:  


Date and Time 

Wednesday, 12.01.2022, 09:00 – 13:00 CET
Thursday, 13.01.2022, 09:00 – 13:00 CET
Friday, 14.01.2022, 09:00 – 13:00 CET 


Partner 13 IAGF – Institut für angewandte Gewerbeforschung der Wirt-schaftskammer Österreich 

Wednesday, January 12th 2022

09:00 – 09:30 Welcome and introduction PP13 IAGF
09:30 – 10:30 Good Practice presentation CoVE Graz, Austria PP14 WIFI
30 Minute Coffee break together via Zoom
11:00 – 12:00 Good Practice presentation CoVE Hamburg, Germany PP1 HP
12:00 – 13:00 Group work per CoVE in Breakout Rooms
1. What is the current state of the CoVE?
2. What can we learn from the best practices and use for our CoVE?
3. What other ideas and goals do we have for our CoVE?
4. What help and trainings do we need for our CoVE?

Short summary of the discussion by each CoVE coordinator

Moderation by PP13 IAGF
CoVE coordina-tors
Conclusion of day 1

Thursday, January 13th 2022

09:00 – 09:10 Welcome and summary of day 1
Clarification of open questions
09:10 – 09:45 CoVE management tasks
a) Management level
b) Teaching staff
c) Administration and supervision
09:45 – 11:15 CoVE management methods and tools
Work in 4 groups in Breakout Rooms (English, German, Polish, Latvian)
a) Assessment of management methods and tools
b) What other tools do you use and can you recommend? What tools and platforms for international collaboration can be used?
c) What kind of tools are missing? How can ex-isting tools be improved? How can interna-tional collaboration be enhanced?

Presentation of the group discussions

15 Minute Coffee break together via Zoom
11:30 – 13:00 Deepening of CoVE Management tasks
a) Network with stakeholders / contacts in the field of green economy

b) Identifying the issues and challenges in the green economy sector and developing coor-dinated educational and training goals

c) Creating and managing teams and project groups

Conclusion of day 2

Friday, January 14th 2022

09:00 – 09:20 Welcome and summary of day 2
Clarification of open questions
09:20 – 11:15 Deepening of CoVE Management tasks
d) Establishment and further development of cooperations for subject-specific projects in VET and further education

e) Constant review, reflection and further de-velopment of soft skills, methods and com-petencies

f) Advertising CoVEs through suitable PR and implementing target group-specific market-ing

15 Minute Coffee break together via Zoom
11:30 – 12:45 World Café in two rounds
1. Each COVE works with the digital posters created during the first day and collects and discusses questions that have arisen during the Train-the-Trainer
2. The coordinators of each CoVE remain in the Breakout Room each while all other partici-pants join other CoVEs to get updated about the other COVEs, to ask questions and to bring in their suggestions
Moderation PP13 IAGF
12:45 – 12:45 Feedback and evaluation of Train-the-Trainer PP13 IAGF
Conclusion of Train-the-Trainer

Detailed Agenda & Infos